Who are you people and why are you telling me what to eat? Where do you get your recipes? Do you know where babies come from?
Ok, one question answered at a time!
Who are you guys?
Hi! We're Shira and Sarah. Nice to meet you! We're two relatively normal girls with an unhealthy obsession with sharing our opinions. Sarah is one of those pesky vegans, so she doesn't eat animals or anything that might have come from an animal. Shira is vegetarian, allergic to milk, gluten, rice, and good television series. Poor girl spends half her day watching Buffy. Neither of us have any formal training or credentials to throw at you, just a love of cooking and frustration in trying to find recipes that suit the both of us.
What is this blog exactly?
Well, it's a series of recipes and helpful tips to aid you in your own culinary adventures. Like I said before, we don't have any training and will never claim that we do. We're both students so our time for that fun stuff is extremely limited. We are, however, armed with tons of first hand experiences, ideas, and dreams.
Recipes here will fit into some pretty strict criteria, considering our own dietary restrictions. Everything will always be clearly marked, and when possible substitutions will be suggested.
If you have any suggestions for recipes or ideas to make the blog better, feel free to send them our way! We don't claim to know everything and outside input is always welcome! The same goes for general comments and questions.
Why are you doing this?
Well, because we want to. There aren't that many readily available resources for people who want to cook the way we do. There are quite a few blogs, but not many which combine the vegan and allergic-to-life lifestyles. We want to get our own voices out there. It's your choice whether or not you want to listen.
As a computer science and math double major, Sarah's life goal is naturally to open up a bakery. Shira just wants to actually be able to eat something. In the end, it just makes both of us happy, and we want it to make you happy as well.